


Reading your workload or deliverable status

Cartographer makes every effort to provide you with useful information in the status field of your workload or deliverable object.

To see the status of your workload:

kubectl get workload <your-workload-name> -n <your-workload-namespace> -oyaml

Note: We do not recommend kubectl describe as it makes statuses harder to read.

Take a look at the status: section for conditions. E.g.:

    - type: SupplyChainReady
      status: True
      reason: Ready
    - type: ResourcesSubmitted
      status: True
      reason: Ready
    - type: Ready
      status: True
      reason: Ready

Common status conditions

Cartographer conditions follow the`` Kubernetes API conventions

There is a top level condition of Type: Ready which can have a Status of Unknown, True or False.

If your workload or deliverable has a False or a Unknown condition, inspect the conditions for cause. The Type: Ready condition’s Reason will match that of the sub-condition causing the negative status.

Unknown vs. False

A status of False typically means Cartographer can not proceed until user intervention occurs. These are errors in configuration.

A status of Unknown indicates that resources have not yet resolved. Causes can include network timeouts, long running processes, and occasionally a misconfiguration that Cartographer cannot itself detect.


Type Status Occurs In
ResourcesSubmitted MissingValueAtPath Workload, Deliverable

This is the most common Unknown state.

    - type: SupplyChainReady
      status: True
      reason: Ready
    - type: ResourcesSubmitted
      status: Unknown
      reason: MissingValueAtPath
        Waiting to read value [.status.latestImage] from resource [images.kpack.io/cool-app] in namespace [default]
    - type: Ready
      status: Unknown
      reason: MissingValueAtPath

You will see this as part of normal operation, because a Blueprint Resource is applied to your cluster, however the output path is not populated.

If your workload or deliverable are taking a long time to become ready, then there might be an issue with the resource or the output path

The message: for ResourcesSubmitted will help you locate the resource causing issues.

The most likely cause for this status is that the resource is unable to populate the specified path. Look at the resource’s status to diagnose the cause.

Resolving MissingValueAtPath when the resource is failing:

First look at the resource itself:

kubectl describe images.kpack.io/cool-app -n default

You will see that the value at path .status.latestImage is not populated. Check the status and events of the resource, consulting the documentation for the specific resource.

Resolving MissingValueAtPath when the path is incorrect:

Refer to the template specified resource’s documentation for the location of the required output.

For example, given the message

Waiting to read value [.status.latestImg] from resource [images.kpack.io/cool-app] in namespace [default]
  • Look at the resources status, that’s the most likely place you’ll find the output you want
kubectl get images.kpack.io/cool-app -n default -oyaml`

  buildCounter: 5
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-11-09T03:16:54Z"
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-11-09T03:16:54Z"
    status: "True"
    type: BuilderReady
  latestBuildImageGeneration: 2
  latestBuildReason: STACK
  latestBuildRef: tanzu-java-web-app-build-5
  latestImage: myrepo.io/tanzu-java-web-app@sha256:a92eafaf8a2e5ec306be44e29c9c5e0696bf2c6517b4627be1580c2d16f2ddb9
  latestStack: io.buildpacks.stacks.bionic
  observedGeneration: 2
  • Change the output path of the template to match, E.g: from .status.latestImg to .status.latestImage
apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImageTemplate
  name: kpack-template
  imagePath: .status.latestImage