

Architecture and Concepts


Cartographer is an open-source Supply Chain Choreographer for Kubernetes. Cartographer provides a set of Kubernetes controllers and CRDs that allow a platform operator to create an application platform by specifying repeatable, reusable code-to-production blueprints.

Two kinds of blueprint work together to provide code-to-production, Supply Chains and Delivery.



Blueprint Owner Valid Templates
ClusterSupplyChain Workload ClusterSourceTemplate, ClusterImageTemplate, ClusterConfigTemplate, ClusterTemplate
ClusterDelivery Deliverable ClusterSourceTemplate, ClusterDeploymentTemplate, ClusterTemplate

Blueprints are a list of templates (called resources) that defines how the templates depend upon each other. It forms the dependency graph of your supply chain or delivery.

The dependencies are formed by specifying which resource(s) are used as inputs.

Blueprints consist of:

  • A selector to match owners
  • Parameters to pass to all resources
  • Resources:
    • A templateRef pointing to the template for the resource
    • Parameters to pass to the template
    • Inputs, which specify dependencies for the template


Templates create or update resources (i.e. kubectl apply).

Templates consist of:

  • Parameters to pass to spec.template or spec.ytt
  • The Kubernetes resource yaml as spec.template or spec.ytt see Templating
  • Output paths which tell Cartographer where to find the output of the Kubernetes resource
    • The path field depends upon the specific template kind.
    • These paths are interpolated and subsequent templates can use them via the input accessors. see Inputs

Templates are typed by the output their underlying resource produces.

Output Template Output Path Input Accessor
Config ClusterConfigTemplate spec.configPath configs.<input-name>
Image ClusterImageTemplate spec.imagePath images.<input-name>
Source ClusterSourceTemplate spec.urlPath, spec.revisionPath sources.<input-name>.url, sources.<input-name>.revision
Deployment ClusterDeploymentTemplate spec.urlPath, spec.revisionPath sources.<input-name>.url, sources.<input-name>.revision


Owner Blueprint
Workload ClusterSupplyChain
Deliverable ClusterDelivery

Owners represent the workload or deliverable, which in many cases refer to a single application’s source or image location.

Owners are the developer provided configuration which cause a blueprint to be reconciled into resources. Owners reference the primary source or image for the blueprint

They consist of:

  • Labels: blueprints will select based on the labels of an owner, see selectors
  • Params: parameters supplied to the blueprint, see Parameter Hierarchy
  • Source: The source reference for the input to the Supply Chain or Delivery Blueprints, see Workload and Deliverable

Theory of Operation

Given an owner that matches a blueprint, Cartographer reconciles the resources referenced by the blueprint. The resources are only created when the inputs are satisfied, and a resource is only updated when its inputs change. This results in a system where a new result from one resource can cause other resources to change.

Generic Blueprint

Although Cartographer is not a ‘runner of things’, a resource can be something as simple as a Job.

However, one advantage of Cartographer’s design is that resources that self-mutate can cause downstream change.

For example, a Build resource that discovers new base OCI images. If it rebuilds your image, then Cartographer will see this new image and update downstream resources.

When Cartographer reconciles an owner, each resource in the matching blueprint is applied:

  1. Generate Inputs: Using the blueprint resource’s inputs as a reference, select outputs from previously applied Kubernetes resources
  2. Generate Params: Using the Parameter Hierarchy, generate parameter values
  3. Generate and apply resource spec: Apply the result of interpolating spec.template (or spec.ytt), inputs, params and the owner spec.
  4. Retrieve Output: Store the output from the applied resource. The output to use is specified in the template output path.


Complete Supply Chain and Delivery with GitOps


Blueprint Details


A ClusterSupplyChain blueprint continuously integrates and builds your app.



A ClusterDelivery blueprint continuously deploys and validates Kubernetes configuration to a cluster.

[comment]: <> (Not implemented yet) [comment]: <> (A ClusterDelivery has the ability to lock (and unlock) templates which pauses the continuous deploy. ) [comment]: <> (TODO - more on locking)



An owner’s labels will determine which blueprint will select for it. The controller will do a “best match” on a blueprint’s spec.selector with an owner’s labels.

A “best match” follows the rules:

  1. If all labels are fully contained in the selector, reconcile the owner with that blueprint.
  2. If not all labels match, we choose the blueprint with the most matched labels.
  3. If two blueprints match all labels, the blueprint with the more concise match (less non-matching labels) is selected.

Note: Despite the rules, the controller can still return more than one match. If more than one match is returned, no blueprint will reconcile for the owner.

Parameter Hierarchy

Templates can specify default values for parameters in spec.params.

These parameters may be overridden by the blueprint, which allows operators to specify:

  • a default value which can be overridden by the owner’s spec.params
  • a value which cannot be overridden by the owner

Blueprint parameters can be specified globally in spec.params or per resource spec.resource[].params If the per resource param is specified, the global blueprint param is ignored.