

Workload and Supply Chain Custom Resources


Workload allows the developer to pass information about the app to be delivered through the supply chain.

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: Workload
  name: spring-petclinic
    # label to be matched against a `ClusterSupplyChain`s label selector.
    app.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type: web # (1)

  # service account with permissions to create resources submitted by the supply chain
  # if not set, will use serviceAccountName from supply chain
  # if that is also not set, will use the default service account in the workload's namespace
  serviceAccountName: workload-service-account

    # source code location in a git repository.
      url: https://github.com/scothis/spring-petclinic.git
        branch: "main"
        tag: "v0.0.1"
        commit: "b4df00d"

    # image containing the source code to be used throughout
    # the supply chain
    image: harbor-repo.vmware.com/tanzu_desktop/golang-sample-source@sha256:e508a587

    # environment variables to propagate to a resource responsible
    # for performing a build in the supplychain.
      - name: CGO_ENABLED
        value: "0"

  # serviceClaims to be bound through service-bindings
    - name: broker
        apiVersion: services.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
        kind: RabbitMQ
        name: rabbit-broker

  # image with the app already built
  image: foo/docker-built@sha256:b4df00d # (2)

  # environment variables to be passed to the main container
  # running the application.
      value: mysql

  # resource constraints for the main application.
      memory: 1Gi
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 1Gi
      cpu: 4000m

  # any other parameters that don't fit the ones already typed.
    - name: java-version
      # name of the parameter. should match a supply chain parameter name
      value: 11


  1. labels serve as a way of indirectly selecting ClusterSupplyChain - Workloads without labels that match a ClusterSupplyChain’s spec.selector won’t be reconciled and will stay in an Errored state.
  2. spec.image is useful for enabling workflows that are not based on building the container image from within the supplychain, but outside.

ref: pkg/apis/v1alpha1/workload.go


With a ClusterSupplyChain, app operators describe which “shape of applications” they deal with (via spec.selector), and what series of resources are responsible for creating an artifact that delivers it (via spec.resources).

Those Workloads that match spec.selector then go through the resources specified in spec.resources.

A resource can emit values, which the supply chain can make available to other resources.

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSupplyChain
  name: supplychain
  # specifies the label key-value pair to select workloads. (required, one one)
    app.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type: web

  # specifies the service account to be used to create resources if one
  # is not specified in the workload
  # (optional)
    name: service-account
    namespace: default

  # parameters to override the defaults from the templates.
  # if a resource in the supply-chain specifies a parameter
  # of the same name that resource parameter clobber what is
  # specified here at the top level (this includes specification
  # as `value` vs `default`)
  # in a template, these can be consumed as:
  #   $(params.<name>)
  # (optional)
    # name of the parameter. (required, unique in this list, and should match
    # a pre-defined parameter name in a template)
    - name: java-version
      # value to be passed down to the template's parameters,  supporting
      # interpolation.
      value: 6
      # when specified as `value`, a parameter of the same name on the workload will
      # be disregarded.
    - name: jvm
      value: openjdk
      # when specified as `default`, a parameter of the same name on the workload will
      # overwrite this default value.

  # set of resources that will take care of bringing the application to a
  # deliverable state. (required, at least 1)
    # name of the resource to be referenced by further resources in the chain.
    # (required, unique)
    - name: source-provider
      # object reference to a template object that instructs how to
      # instantiate and keep the resource up to date. (required)
        kind: ClusterSourceTemplate
        name: git-repository-battery

    - name: built-image-provider
        kind: ClusterImageTemplate
        name: kpack-battery

      # a set of resources that provide source information, that is, url and
      # revision.
      # in a template, these can be consumed as:
      #    $(sources.<name>.url)$
      #    $(sources.<name>.revision)$
      # if there is only one source, it can be consumed as:
      #    $(source.url)$
      #    $(sources.revision)$
      # (optional)
        # name of the resource to provide the source information. (required)
        - resource: source-provider
          # name to be referenced in the template via a query over the list of
          # sources (for instance, `$(sources.provider.url)`.
          # (required, unique in this list)
          name: provider

      # (optional) set of resources that provide image information.
      # in a template, these can be consumed as:
      #   $(images.<name>.image)
      # if there is only one image, it can be consumed as:
      #   $(image)
      images: []

      # (optional) set of resources that provide kubernetes configuration,
      # for instance, podTemplateSpecs.
      # in a template, these can be consumed as:
      #   $(configs.<name>.config)
      # if there is only one config, it can be consumed as:
      #   $(config)
      configs: []

      # parameters to override the defaults from the templates.
      # resource parameters override any parameter of the same name set
      # for the overall supply-chain in spec.params
      # in a template, these can be consumed as:
      #   $(params.<name>)
      # (optional)
        # name of the parameter. (required, unique in this list, and should match
        # template's pre-defined set of parameters)
        - name: java-version
          # value to be passed down to the template's parameters,  supporting
          # interpolation.
          default: 9
          # when specified as `default`, a parameter of the same name on the workload will
          # overwrite this default value.
        - name: jvm
          value: openjdk
          # when specified as `value`, a parameter of the same name on the workload will
          # be disregarded

ref: pkg/apis/v1alpha1/cluster_supply_chain.go