

This is the documentation for the latest development version of Cartographer. Both code and docs may be unstable and these docs are not guaranteed to be up to date or correct. See the latest version.

Template Custom Resources


ClusterSourceTemplate indicates how the supply chain could instantiate an object responsible for providing source code.

The ClusterSourceTemplate requires definition of a urlPath and revisionPath. ClusterSourceTemplate will update its status to emit url and revision values, which are reflections of the values at the path on the created objects. The supply chain may make these values available to other resources.

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSourceTemplate
metadata: {}

  # HealthRule specifies rubric for determining the health of a
  # resource stamped by this template. See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/health-rules/
  # +optional

    # AlwaysHealthy being set indicates the resource should always
    # be considered healthy once it exists.
    # +optional
    alwaysHealthy: {}

    # MultiMatch specifies explicitly which conditions and/or
    # fields should be used to determine healthiness.
    # +optional

      # Healthy is a HealthMatchRule which stipulates
      # requirements, ALL of which must be met for the resource to
      # be considered healthy.

        # MatchConditions are the conditions and statuses to read.
        # +optional
          - # Status is the status of the condition
            status: <string>

            # Type is the type of the condition
            type: <string>

        # MatchFields stipulates a FieldSelectorRequirement for
        # this rule.
        # +optional
          - # Key is the JSON path in the workload to match
            # against. e.g. for workload:
            # "workload.spec.source.git.url", e.g. for
            # deliverable: "deliverable.spec.source.git.url"
            key: <string>

            # MessagePath is specified in jsonpath format. It is
            # evaluated against the resource to provide a message
            # in the owner's resource condition if it is the first
            # matching requirement that determine the current
            # ResourcesHealthy condition status.
            # +optional
            messagePath: <string>

            # Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of
            # values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and
            # DoesNotExist.
            operator: <[In|NotIn|Exists|DoesNotExist]>

            # Values is an array of string values. If the operator
            # is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty.
            # If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the
            # values array must be empty.
            # +optional
            values: [ <string> ]

      # Unhealthy is a HealthMatchRule which stipulates
      # requirements, ANY of which, when met, indicate that the
      # resource should be considered unhealthy.
          - status: <string>
            type: <string>
          - key: <string>
            messagePath: <string>
            operator: <[In|NotIn|Exists|DoesNotExist]>
            values: [ <string> ]

    # SingleConditionType names a single condition which, when
    # True indicates the resource is healthy. When False it is
    # unhealthy. Otherwise, healthiness is Unknown.
    # +optional
    singleConditionType: <string>

  # Lifecycle specifies whether template modifications should
  # result in originally created objects being updated (`mutable`)
  # or in new objects created alongside original objects
  # (`immutable` or `tekton`). See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/lifecycle/
  # +optional
  lifecycle: <[mutable|immutable|tekton]>

  # Additional parameters. See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/architecture/#parameter-hierarchy
  # +optional
    - # DefaultValue of the parameter. Causes the parameter to be
      # optional; If the Owner or Template does not specify this
      # parameter, this value is used.
      default: <any>

      # Name of a parameter the template accepts from the
      # Blueprint or Owner.
      name: <string>

  # RetentionPolicy specifies how many successful and failed runs
  # should be retained if the template lifecycle is
  # immutable/tekton. Runs older than this (ordered by creation
  # time) will be deleted. Setting higher values will increase
  # memory footprint. If unspecified on immutable/tekton, default
  # behavior will == {maxFailedRuns: 10, maxSuccessfulRuns: 10}
  # +optional

    # MaxFailedRuns is the number of failed runs to retain.
    maxFailedRuns: <integer>

    # MaxSuccessfulRuns is the number of successful runs to
    # retain.
    maxSuccessfulRuns: <integer>

  # RevisionPath is a path into the templated object's data that
  # contains a revision. The revision, along with the URL,
  # represents the output of the Template. RevisionPath is
  # specified in jsonpath format, eg: .status.artifact.revision
  revisionPath: <string>

  # Template defines a resource template for a Kubernetes Resource
  # or Custom Resource which is applied to the server each time
  # the blueprint is applied. Templates support simple value
  # interpolation using the $()$ marker format. For more
  # information, see:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/templating/ You cannot
  # define both Template and Ytt at the same time. You should not
  # define the namespace for the resource - it will automatically
  # be created in the owner namespace. If the namespace is
  # specified and is not the owner namespace, the resource will
  # fail to be created.
  # +optional
  template: {}

  # URLPath is a path into the templated object's data that
  # contains a URL. The URL, along with the revision, represents
  # the output of the Template. URLPath is specified in jsonpath
  # format, eg: .status.artifact.url
  urlPath: <string>

  # Ytt defines a resource template written in `ytt` for a
  # Kubernetes Resource or Custom Resource which is applied to the
  # server each time the blueprint is applied. Templates support
  # simple value interpolation using the $()$ marker format. For
  # more information, see:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/templating/ You cannot
  # define both Template and Ytt at the same time. You should not
  # define the namespace for the resource - it will automatically
  # be created in the owner namespace. If the namespace is
  # specified and is not the owner namespace, the resource will
  # fail to be created.
  # +optional
  ytt: <string>

ref: pkg/apis/v1alpha1/cluster_source_template.go


ClusterImageTemplate instructs how the supply chain should instantiate an object responsible for supplying container images, for instance, one that takes source code, builds a container image out of it.

The ClusterImageTemplate requires definition of an imagePath. ClusterImageTemplate will update its status to emit an image value, which is a reflection of the value at the path on the created object. The supply chain may make this value available to other resources.

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImageTemplate
metadata: {}

  # HealthRule specifies rubric for determining the health of a
  # resource stamped by this template. See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/health-rules/
  # +optional

    # AlwaysHealthy being set indicates the resource should always
    # be considered healthy once it exists.
    # +optional
    alwaysHealthy: {}

    # MultiMatch specifies explicitly which conditions and/or
    # fields should be used to determine healthiness.
    # +optional

      # Healthy is a HealthMatchRule which stipulates
      # requirements, ALL of which must be met for the resource to
      # be considered healthy.

        # MatchConditions are the conditions and statuses to read.
        # +optional
          - # Status is the status of the condition
            status: <string>

            # Type is the type of the condition
            type: <string>

        # MatchFields stipulates a FieldSelectorRequirement for
        # this rule.
        # +optional
          - # Key is the JSON path in the workload to match
            # against. e.g. for workload:
            # "workload.spec.source.git.url", e.g. for
            # deliverable: "deliverable.spec.source.git.url"
            key: <string>

            # MessagePath is specified in jsonpath format. It is
            # evaluated against the resource to provide a message
            # in the owner's resource condition if it is the first
            # matching requirement that determine the current
            # ResourcesHealthy condition status.
            # +optional
            messagePath: <string>

            # Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of
            # values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and
            # DoesNotExist.
            operator: <[In|NotIn|Exists|DoesNotExist]>

            # Values is an array of string values. If the operator
            # is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty.
            # If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the
            # values array must be empty.
            # +optional
            values: [ <string> ]

      # Unhealthy is a HealthMatchRule which stipulates
      # requirements, ANY of which, when met, indicate that the
      # resource should be considered unhealthy.
          - status: <string>
            type: <string>
          - key: <string>
            messagePath: <string>
            operator: <[In|NotIn|Exists|DoesNotExist]>
            values: [ <string> ]

    # SingleConditionType names a single condition which, when
    # True indicates the resource is healthy. When False it is
    # unhealthy. Otherwise, healthiness is Unknown.
    # +optional
    singleConditionType: <string>

  # ImagePath is a path into the templated object's data that
  # contains a valid image digest. This might be a URL or in some
  # cases just a repository path and digest. The final spec for
  # this field may change as we implement RFC-0016
  # https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/cartographer/blob/main/rfc/rfc-0016-validate-template-outputs.md
  # ImagePath is specified in jsonpath format, eg:
  # .status.artifact.image_digest
  imagePath: <string>

  # Lifecycle specifies whether template modifications should
  # result in originally created objects being updated (`mutable`)
  # or in new objects created alongside original objects
  # (`immutable` or `tekton`). See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/lifecycle/
  # +optional
  lifecycle: <[mutable|immutable|tekton]>

  # Additional parameters. See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/architecture/#parameter-hierarchy
  # +optional
    - # DefaultValue of the parameter. Causes the parameter to be
      # optional; If the Owner or Template does not specify this
      # parameter, this value is used.
      default: <any>

      # Name of a parameter the template accepts from the
      # Blueprint or Owner.
      name: <string>

  # RetentionPolicy specifies how many successful and failed runs
  # should be retained if the template lifecycle is
  # immutable/tekton. Runs older than this (ordered by creation
  # time) will be deleted. Setting higher values will increase
  # memory footprint. If unspecified on immutable/tekton, default
  # behavior will == {maxFailedRuns: 10, maxSuccessfulRuns: 10}
  # +optional

    # MaxFailedRuns is the number of failed runs to retain.
    maxFailedRuns: <integer>

    # MaxSuccessfulRuns is the number of successful runs to
    # retain.
    maxSuccessfulRuns: <integer>

  # Template defines a resource template for a Kubernetes Resource
  # or Custom Resource which is applied to the server each time
  # the blueprint is applied. Templates support simple value
  # interpolation using the $()$ marker format. For more
  # information, see:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/templating/ You cannot
  # define both Template and Ytt at the same time. You should not
  # define the namespace for the resource - it will automatically
  # be created in the owner namespace. If the namespace is
  # specified and is not the owner namespace, the resource will
  # fail to be created.
  # +optional
  template: {}

  # Ytt defines a resource template written in `ytt` for a
  # Kubernetes Resource or Custom Resource which is applied to the
  # server each time the blueprint is applied. Templates support
  # simple value interpolation using the $()$ marker format. For
  # more information, see:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/templating/ You cannot
  # define both Template and Ytt at the same time. You should not
  # define the namespace for the resource - it will automatically
  # be created in the owner namespace. If the namespace is
  # specified and is not the owner namespace, the resource will
  # fail to be created.
  # +optional
  ytt: <string>

ref: pkg/apis/v1alpha1/cluster_image_template.go


Instructs the supply chain how to instantiate a Kubernetes object that knows how to make Kubernetes configurations available to further resources in the chain.

The ClusterConfigTemplate requires definition of a configPath. ClusterConfigTemplate will update its status to emit a config value, which is a reflection of the value at the path on the created object. The supply chain may make this value available to other resources.

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterConfigTemplate
metadata: {}

  # ConfigPath is a path into the templated object's data that
  # contains valid yaml. This is typically the information that
  # will configure the components of the deployable image.
  # ConfigPath is specified in jsonpath format, eg: .data
  configPath: <string>

  # HealthRule specifies rubric for determining the health of a
  # resource stamped by this template. See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/health-rules/
  # +optional

    # AlwaysHealthy being set indicates the resource should always
    # be considered healthy once it exists.
    # +optional
    alwaysHealthy: {}

    # MultiMatch specifies explicitly which conditions and/or
    # fields should be used to determine healthiness.
    # +optional

      # Healthy is a HealthMatchRule which stipulates
      # requirements, ALL of which must be met for the resource to
      # be considered healthy.

        # MatchConditions are the conditions and statuses to read.
        # +optional
          - # Status is the status of the condition
            status: <string>

            # Type is the type of the condition
            type: <string>

        # MatchFields stipulates a FieldSelectorRequirement for
        # this rule.
        # +optional
          - # Key is the JSON path in the workload to match
            # against. e.g. for workload:
            # "workload.spec.source.git.url", e.g. for
            # deliverable: "deliverable.spec.source.git.url"
            key: <string>

            # MessagePath is specified in jsonpath format. It is
            # evaluated against the resource to provide a message
            # in the owner's resource condition if it is the first
            # matching requirement that determine the current
            # ResourcesHealthy condition status.
            # +optional
            messagePath: <string>

            # Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of
            # values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and
            # DoesNotExist.
            operator: <[In|NotIn|Exists|DoesNotExist]>

            # Values is an array of string values. If the operator
            # is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty.
            # If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the
            # values array must be empty.
            # +optional
            values: [ <string> ]

      # Unhealthy is a HealthMatchRule which stipulates
      # requirements, ANY of which, when met, indicate that the
      # resource should be considered unhealthy.
          - status: <string>
            type: <string>
          - key: <string>
            messagePath: <string>
            operator: <[In|NotIn|Exists|DoesNotExist]>
            values: [ <string> ]

    # SingleConditionType names a single condition which, when
    # True indicates the resource is healthy. When False it is
    # unhealthy. Otherwise, healthiness is Unknown.
    # +optional
    singleConditionType: <string>

  # Lifecycle specifies whether template modifications should
  # result in originally created objects being updated (`mutable`)
  # or in new objects created alongside original objects
  # (`immutable` or `tekton`). See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/lifecycle/
  # +optional
  lifecycle: <[mutable|immutable|tekton]>

  # Additional parameters. See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/architecture/#parameter-hierarchy
  # +optional
    - # DefaultValue of the parameter. Causes the parameter to be
      # optional; If the Owner or Template does not specify this
      # parameter, this value is used.
      default: <any>

      # Name of a parameter the template accepts from the
      # Blueprint or Owner.
      name: <string>

  # RetentionPolicy specifies how many successful and failed runs
  # should be retained if the template lifecycle is
  # immutable/tekton. Runs older than this (ordered by creation
  # time) will be deleted. Setting higher values will increase
  # memory footprint. If unspecified on immutable/tekton, default
  # behavior will == {maxFailedRuns: 10, maxSuccessfulRuns: 10}
  # +optional

    # MaxFailedRuns is the number of failed runs to retain.
    maxFailedRuns: <integer>

    # MaxSuccessfulRuns is the number of successful runs to
    # retain.
    maxSuccessfulRuns: <integer>

  # Template defines a resource template for a Kubernetes Resource
  # or Custom Resource which is applied to the server each time
  # the blueprint is applied. Templates support simple value
  # interpolation using the $()$ marker format. For more
  # information, see:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/templating/ You cannot
  # define both Template and Ytt at the same time. You should not
  # define the namespace for the resource - it will automatically
  # be created in the owner namespace. If the namespace is
  # specified and is not the owner namespace, the resource will
  # fail to be created.
  # +optional
  template: {}

  # Ytt defines a resource template written in `ytt` for a
  # Kubernetes Resource or Custom Resource which is applied to the
  # server each time the blueprint is applied. Templates support
  # simple value interpolation using the $()$ marker format. For
  # more information, see:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/templating/ You cannot
  # define both Template and Ytt at the same time. You should not
  # define the namespace for the resource - it will automatically
  # be created in the owner namespace. If the namespace is
  # specified and is not the owner namespace, the resource will
  # fail to be created.
  # +optional
  ytt: <string>

ref: pkg/apis/v1alpha1/cluster_config_template.go


A ClusterDeploymentTemplate indicates how the delivery should configure the environment (namespace/cluster).

The ClusterDeploymentTemplate consumes configuration from the deployment values provided by the ClusterDelivery. The ClusterDeploymentTemplate outputs these same values. The ClusterDeploymentTemplate is able to consume additional configuration from the sources provided by the ClusterDelivery.

ClusterDeploymentTemplate must specify criteria to determine whether the templated object has successfully completed its role in configuring the environment. Once the criteria are met, the ClusterDeploymentTemplate will output the deployment values. The criteria may be specified in spec.observedMatches or in spec.observedCompletion.

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterDeploymentTemplate
metadata: {}

  # HealthRule specifies rubric for determining the health of a
  # resource stamped by this template. See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/health-rules/
  # +optional

    # AlwaysHealthy being set indicates the resource should always
    # be considered healthy once it exists.
    # +optional
    alwaysHealthy: {}

    # MultiMatch specifies explicitly which conditions and/or
    # fields should be used to determine healthiness.
    # +optional

      # Healthy is a HealthMatchRule which stipulates
      # requirements, ALL of which must be met for the resource to
      # be considered healthy.

        # MatchConditions are the conditions and statuses to read.
        # +optional
          - # Status is the status of the condition
            status: <string>

            # Type is the type of the condition
            type: <string>

        # MatchFields stipulates a FieldSelectorRequirement for
        # this rule.
        # +optional
          - # Key is the JSON path in the workload to match
            # against. e.g. for workload:
            # "workload.spec.source.git.url", e.g. for
            # deliverable: "deliverable.spec.source.git.url"
            key: <string>

            # MessagePath is specified in jsonpath format. It is
            # evaluated against the resource to provide a message
            # in the owner's resource condition if it is the first
            # matching requirement that determine the current
            # ResourcesHealthy condition status.
            # +optional
            messagePath: <string>

            # Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of
            # values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and
            # DoesNotExist.
            operator: <[In|NotIn|Exists|DoesNotExist]>

            # Values is an array of string values. If the operator
            # is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty.
            # If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the
            # values array must be empty.
            # +optional
            values: [ <string> ]

      # Unhealthy is a HealthMatchRule which stipulates
      # requirements, ANY of which, when met, indicate that the
      # resource should be considered unhealthy.
          - status: <string>
            type: <string>
          - key: <string>
            messagePath: <string>
            operator: <[In|NotIn|Exists|DoesNotExist]>
            values: [ <string> ]

    # SingleConditionType names a single condition which, when
    # True indicates the resource is healthy. When False it is
    # unhealthy. Otherwise, healthiness is Unknown.
    # +optional
    singleConditionType: <string>

  # Lifecycle specifies whether template modifications should
  # result in originally created objects being updated (`mutable`)
  # or in new objects created alongside original objects
  # (`immutable` or `tekton`). See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/lifecycle/
  # +optional
  lifecycle: <[mutable|immutable|tekton]>

  # ObservedCompletion describe the criteria for determining that
  # the templated object completed configuration of environment.
  # These criteria assert completion when metadata.Generation and
  # status.ObservedGeneration match, AND success or failure
  # criteria match. Cannot specify both ObservedMatches and
  # ObservedCompletion.
  # +optional

    # FailedCondition, when matched, indicates that the input did
    # not deploy successfully.
    # +optional

      # Key is a jsonPath expression pointing to the field to
      # inspect on the templated object, eg:
      # 'status.conditions[?(@.type=="Succeeded")].status'
      key: <string>

      # Value is the expected value that, when matching the key's
      # actual value, makes this condition true.
      value: <string>

    # SucceededCondition, when matched, indicates that the input
    # was successfully deployed.

      # Key is a jsonPath expression pointing to the field to
      # inspect on the templated object, eg:
      # 'status.conditions[?(@.type=="Succeeded")].status'
      key: <string>

      # Value is the expected value that, when matching the key's
      # actual value, makes this condition true.
      value: <string>

  # ObservedMatches describe the criteria for determining that the
  # templated object completed configuration of environment. These
  # criteria assert completion when an output (usually a field in
  # .status) matches an input (usually a field in .spec) Cannot
  # specify both ObservedMatches and ObservedCompletion.
  # +optional
    - # Input is a jsonPath to a value that is fulfilled before
      # the templated object is reconciled. Usually a value in the
      # .spec of the object
      input: <string>

      # Output is a jsonPath to a value that is fulfilled after
      # the templated object is reconciled. Usually a value in the
      # .status of the object
      output: <string>

  # Additional parameters. See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/architecture/#parameter-hierarchy
  # +optional
    - # DefaultValue of the parameter. Causes the parameter to be
      # optional; If the Owner or Template does not specify this
      # parameter, this value is used.
      default: <any>

      # Name of a parameter the template accepts from the
      # Blueprint or Owner.
      name: <string>

  # RetentionPolicy specifies how many successful and failed runs
  # should be retained if the template lifecycle is
  # immutable/tekton. Runs older than this (ordered by creation
  # time) will be deleted. Setting higher values will increase
  # memory footprint. If unspecified on immutable/tekton, default
  # behavior will == {maxFailedRuns: 10, maxSuccessfulRuns: 10}
  # +optional

    # MaxFailedRuns is the number of failed runs to retain.
    maxFailedRuns: <integer>

    # MaxSuccessfulRuns is the number of successful runs to
    # retain.
    maxSuccessfulRuns: <integer>

  # Template defines a resource template for a Kubernetes Resource
  # or Custom Resource which is applied to the server each time
  # the blueprint is applied. Templates support simple value
  # interpolation using the $()$ marker format. For more
  # information, see:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/templating/ You cannot
  # define both Template and Ytt at the same time. You should not
  # define the namespace for the resource - it will automatically
  # be created in the owner namespace. If the namespace is
  # specified and is not the owner namespace, the resource will
  # fail to be created.
  # +optional
  template: {}

  # Ytt defines a resource template written in `ytt` for a
  # Kubernetes Resource or Custom Resource which is applied to the
  # server each time the blueprint is applied. Templates support
  # simple value interpolation using the $()$ marker format. For
  # more information, see:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/templating/ You cannot
  # define both Template and Ytt at the same time. You should not
  # define the namespace for the resource - it will automatically
  # be created in the owner namespace. If the namespace is
  # specified and is not the owner namespace, the resource will
  # fail to be created.
  # +optional
  ytt: <string>

ref: pkg/apis/v1alpha1/cluster_deployment_template.go


A ClusterTemplate instructs the supply chain to instantiate a Kubernetes object that has no outputs to be supplied to other objects in the chain, for instance, a resource that deploys a container image that has been built by other ancestor resources.

The ClusterTemplate does not emit values to the supply chain.

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterTemplate
metadata: {}

  # HealthRule specifies rubric for determining the health of a
  # resource stamped by this template. See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/health-rules/
  # +optional

    # AlwaysHealthy being set indicates the resource should always
    # be considered healthy once it exists.
    # +optional
    alwaysHealthy: {}

    # MultiMatch specifies explicitly which conditions and/or
    # fields should be used to determine healthiness.
    # +optional

      # Healthy is a HealthMatchRule which stipulates
      # requirements, ALL of which must be met for the resource to
      # be considered healthy.

        # MatchConditions are the conditions and statuses to read.
        # +optional
          - # Status is the status of the condition
            status: <string>

            # Type is the type of the condition
            type: <string>

        # MatchFields stipulates a FieldSelectorRequirement for
        # this rule.
        # +optional
          - # Key is the JSON path in the workload to match
            # against. e.g. for workload:
            # "workload.spec.source.git.url", e.g. for
            # deliverable: "deliverable.spec.source.git.url"
            key: <string>

            # MessagePath is specified in jsonpath format. It is
            # evaluated against the resource to provide a message
            # in the owner's resource condition if it is the first
            # matching requirement that determine the current
            # ResourcesHealthy condition status.
            # +optional
            messagePath: <string>

            # Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of
            # values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and
            # DoesNotExist.
            operator: <[In|NotIn|Exists|DoesNotExist]>

            # Values is an array of string values. If the operator
            # is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty.
            # If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the
            # values array must be empty.
            # +optional
            values: [ <string> ]

      # Unhealthy is a HealthMatchRule which stipulates
      # requirements, ANY of which, when met, indicate that the
      # resource should be considered unhealthy.
          - status: <string>
            type: <string>
          - key: <string>
            messagePath: <string>
            operator: <[In|NotIn|Exists|DoesNotExist]>
            values: [ <string> ]

    # SingleConditionType names a single condition which, when
    # True indicates the resource is healthy. When False it is
    # unhealthy. Otherwise, healthiness is Unknown.
    # +optional
    singleConditionType: <string>

  # Lifecycle specifies whether template modifications should
  # result in originally created objects being updated (`mutable`)
  # or in new objects created alongside original objects
  # (`immutable` or `tekton`). See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/lifecycle/
  # +optional
  lifecycle: <[mutable|immutable|tekton]>

  # Additional parameters. See:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/architecture/#parameter-hierarchy
  # +optional
    - # DefaultValue of the parameter. Causes the parameter to be
      # optional; If the Owner or Template does not specify this
      # parameter, this value is used.
      default: <any>

      # Name of a parameter the template accepts from the
      # Blueprint or Owner.
      name: <string>

  # RetentionPolicy specifies how many successful and failed runs
  # should be retained if the template lifecycle is
  # immutable/tekton. Runs older than this (ordered by creation
  # time) will be deleted. Setting higher values will increase
  # memory footprint. If unspecified on immutable/tekton, default
  # behavior will == {maxFailedRuns: 10, maxSuccessfulRuns: 10}
  # +optional

    # MaxFailedRuns is the number of failed runs to retain.
    maxFailedRuns: <integer>

    # MaxSuccessfulRuns is the number of successful runs to
    # retain.
    maxSuccessfulRuns: <integer>

  # Template defines a resource template for a Kubernetes Resource
  # or Custom Resource which is applied to the server each time
  # the blueprint is applied. Templates support simple value
  # interpolation using the $()$ marker format. For more
  # information, see:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/templating/ You cannot
  # define both Template and Ytt at the same time. You should not
  # define the namespace for the resource - it will automatically
  # be created in the owner namespace. If the namespace is
  # specified and is not the owner namespace, the resource will
  # fail to be created.
  # +optional
  template: {}

  # Ytt defines a resource template written in `ytt` for a
  # Kubernetes Resource or Custom Resource which is applied to the
  # server each time the blueprint is applied. Templates support
  # simple value interpolation using the $()$ marker format. For
  # more information, see:
  # https://cartographer.sh/docs/latest/templating/ You cannot
  # define both Template and Ytt at the same time. You should not
  # define the namespace for the resource - it will automatically
  # be created in the owner namespace. If the namespace is
  # specified and is not the owner namespace, the resource will
  # fail to be created.
  # +optional
  ytt: <string>

ref: pkg/apis/v1alpha1/cluster_template.go