

This is the documentation for the latest development version of Cartographer. Both code and docs may be unstable and these docs are not guaranteed to be up to date or correct. See the latest version.


Cartographer’s controller emits Kubernetes Events when reconciling owner resources (those belonging to a Workload, Deliverable or Runnable) objects.

Events in owner resources

Cartographer emits events with regard to specific resources belonging to a Workoad, Deliverable or Runnable.

Events may be emitted for the following reasons:

  • StampedObjectApplied this event is emitted whenever Cartographer creates or updates an owner resource.
  • StampedObjectRemoved this event is emitted whenever Cartographer removes a resource.
  • ResourceOutputChanged this event is emitted whenever Cartographer notices a resource’s output has changed since the last time it was observed.
  • ResourceHealthyStatusChanged this event is emitted whenever Cartographer notices the healthy status of a resources has changed. For more details see Health Rules

Example events

Here’s an example of events retrieved from a workload using kubectl describe workload <my-workload> -n <ns>:

... Workload description redacted ...
  Type    Reason                        Age                    From      Message
  ----    ------                        ----                   ----      -------
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied          3m5s                   Workload  Created object [gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/testing-sc]
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied          3m3s                   Workload  Created object [runnables.carto.run/testing-sc]
  Normal  ResourceOutputChanged         3m2s (x2 over 3m3s)    Workload  [source-provider] found a new output in [gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/testing-sc]
  Normal  ResourceHealthyStatusChanged  3m2s (x2 over 3m3s)    Workload  [source-provider] found healthy status of [gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/testing-sc] changed to [True]
  Normal  ResourceOutputChanged         2m51s                  Workload  [source-tester] found a new output in [runnables.carto.run/testing-sc]
  Normal  ResourceHealthyStatusChanged  2m51s                  Workload  [source-tester] found healthy status of [runnables.carto.run/testing-sc] changed to [True]
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied          2m51s                  Workload  Created object [images.kpack.io/testing-sc]
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied          2m24s                  Workload  Created object [apps.kappctrl.k14s.io/testing-sc]
  Normal  ResourceOutputChanged         2m22s (x2 over 2m24s)  Workload  [image-builder] found a new output in [images.kpack.io/testing-sc]
  Normal  ResourceHealthyStatusChanged  2m22s (x2 over 2m24s)  Workload  [image-builder] found healthy status of [images.kpack.io/testing-sc] changed to [True]
  Normal  ResourceHealthyStatusChanged  2m22s (x2 over 2m24s)  Workload  [deployer] found healthy status of [apps.kappctrl.k14s.io/testing-sc] changed to [True]

Here’s another example, showing events on a Runnable. Note the StampedObjectRemoved events showing when older stamped runnable objects are garbage collected.

  Type    Reason                 Age    From      Message
  ----    ------                 ----   ----      -------
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied   4m5s   Runnable  Created object [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-sg4m5]
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied   3m49s  Runnable  Created object [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-mx7nw]
  Normal  ResourceOutputChanged  3m37s  Runnable  Runnable [test] found a new output in [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-mx7nw]
  Normal  StampedObjectApplied   119s   Runnable  Created object [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-hzkq2]
  Normal  StampedObjectRemoved   113s   Runnable  Deleted object [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-mx7nw]
  Normal  ResourceOutputChanged  113s   Runnable  Runnable [test] found a new output in [taskruns.tekton.dev/test-hzkq2]