

Cartotest CLI

cartotest is a CLI tool to assert that your Cartographer templates behave as you expect.

Quick Start


Clone the Cartographer repository:

git clone git@github.com:vmware-tanzu/cartographer.git
cd cartographer

Install the cartotest CLI:

go install ./cmd/cartotest


Users may define templates that use ytt. Testing such templates requires installing ytt.


Run the example template tests:

cartotest ./tests/templates/

You should see

PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-preprocess
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-template
PASS: tests/templates/deployment
PASS: tests/templates/kpack

Great, a passing test!

Creating A Test

Cartotest must be supplied with a set of given files and an expected file. An info.yaml file can point to these files, as well as add further configuration of the test.


A template yaml file and a workload yaml file must be specified for every test.

A supply chain may be specified, either as

  • an actual supply chain yaml file with necessary extra information in info.yaml; or as
  • a set of mocked supply chain values specified entirely in info.yaml.


An expected yaml file. This is the object you expect to be stamped out by Cartographer.


A set of options to alter the comparison. Specified in info.yaml.

info.yaml Structure

Each folder in the directory under test should contain an info.yaml file which can specify test metadata, file locations and test behavior.

# metadata about the test
  # Name of the test
  name: <string>
  # Description of the test
  description: <string>

# the inputs to the test
  # Path to the workload file
  workload: <string>
    # Path to the template file
    path: <string>
    # Path to the ytt preprocessing file
    yttPath: <string>
  # Collection of values that the supplychain would supply for the test in question
    # Input values as if output from earlier steps of a supply chain
        # string value should be the same as the name value
          name: <string>
          url: <string>
          revision: <string>
        # string value should be the same as the name value
          name: <string>
          image: <string>
        # string value should be the same as the name value
          name: <string>
          config: <string>
    # Parameters specified in a supply chain
      - # Name of the parameter.
        # Should match a template parameter name.
        name: <string>
        # Value of the parameter.
        # If specified, workload properties are ignored.
        # +optional
        value: <any>
        # DefaultValue of the parameter.
        # Causes the parameter to be optional; If the workload does not specify
        # this parameter, this value is used.
        default: <any>

  # An actual supplychain along with additional values that must be mocked
    # List of one or more filepaths
    # paths may be to individual supplychains, or to a directory containing only supplychains
    paths: [ ]<string>
    # Path to a ytt preprocessing file
    yttPath: <string>
    # name of the resource/stage in the supply chain that should select the template under test
    targetResourceName: <string>
    # values as if output from earlier stages of a supply chain
      # name of a resource
        image: <string>
        config: <string>
          url: <string>

# Path to the expected file
expected: <string>

# If true, only this and other focused tests will run
focus: <bool>

# Options for altering the comparison of the expected and stamped objects
  # If true, test comparison will ignore all fields of metadata
  ignoreMetadata: <bool>
  # If true, test comparison will ignore all fields of metadata.ownerRefs
  ignoreOwnerRefs: <bool>
  # If true, test comparison will ignore all fields of metadata.labels
  ignoreLabels: <bool>
  # Test comparison will ignore all named fields of metadata
  ignoreMetadataFields: [ ]<string>
  # List of provided compare functions which should be applied
    # Valid options:
    - ConvertNumbersToFloatsDuringComparison




The template file may be specified in the following order of precedence:

  1. File named in the .given.template.path field of info.yaml
  2. File named template.yaml
  3. The template file inherited from parent directory

The template may be preprocessed with ytt. In that case, the data values file should be specified in the .given.template.yttPath field of info.yaml



The workload file may be specified in the following order of precedence:

  1. File named in the .given.workload field of info.yaml
  2. File named workload.yaml
  3. The workload file inherited from parent directory



The expected file may be specified in the following order of precedence:

  1. File named in the .expected field of info.yaml
  2. File named expected.yaml
  3. The expected file inherited from parent directory

Supply Chains


One or more supply chains may be specified. The supply chains may be specified in the following order of precedence. These methods are exclusive, not cumulative (i.e. if supply chains are found from method 1, method 2 will not contribute to the supply chain).

  1. Files named in the .given.supplyChain.paths list of info.yaml. Paths may be to directories of files that are all supply chains.
  2. Files with the prefix supply-chain and the extension .yaml
  3. The supply chain files inherited from parent directory

If one or more supply chains are specified, a named resource must also be specified. This is the stage in the supply chain which points to the target template. This can be specified in info.yaml field .given.supplyChain.yttPath

The supply chain may be preprocessed with ytt. In that case, the data values file should be specified in the .given.supplyChain.yttPath field of info.yaml.

Outputs from the other resources in the supply chain may be specified in the .given.supplyChain.previousOutputs field of info.yaml. See the info.yaml structure for the shape of these values.

Supply Chains are mutually exclusive with mock supply chains. Both may not be supplied at once.

Mock Supply Chain


The inputs may be specified in the .given.mockSupplyChain field of info.yaml. Otherwise, they are inherited from the parent directory.

Mocked Supply Chains may specify a set of inputs (values as if previous resources in the supply chain have run) and/or a set of params. See the info.yaml structure for the shape of these values.

Mock Supply Chains are mutually exclusive with supply chains. Both may not be supplied at once.

Compare Options


There are several ways to exclude metadata fields from the comparison of stamped and expected objects:

  • To ignore the entire metadata field, in info.yaml specify compareOptions.ignoreMetadata: true
  • To ignore the metadata.ignoreOwnerRefs field, in info.yaml specify compareOptions.ignoreOwnerRefs: true
  • To ignore the metadata.ignoreLabels field, in info.yaml specify compareOptions.ignoreLabels: true
  • To ignore other metadata fields, in info.yaml add the field name to the list compareOptions.ignoreMetadataFields

Comparison of objects can fail on type assertion (i.e. an expected field interpreted as the int 3 and the stamped object with the same field as the float 3). There is a named function to coerce all numbers to the type float64. To apply this function, in info.yaml add the name ConvertNumbersToFloatsDuringComparison to the list compareOptions.namedCMPOptionFuncs.


Interpreting Failing Tests

Let’s make a test fail. Alter the workload so that what is stamped out by Cartographer will be different from expected.yaml:

The example edit uses mikefarah/yq for which you can find installation instructions here. Alternatively you can manually change the metadata.name field of ./tests/templates/kpack/workload.yaml to another-identifier.

yq '.metadata.name = "another-identifier"' ./tests/templates/kpack/workload.yaml -i

Run cartotests again:

cartotest ./tests/templates/
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-preprocess
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-template
FAIL: tests/templates/kpack

We can get detail about the tests by running cartotest in verbose mode:

cartotest ./tests/templates/ -v
DEBU[0000] populate info failed, did not find tests/templates/info.yaml

PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-preprocess
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-template YTT Template Test
FAIL: tests/templates/kpack
Name: image-template
Description: template requiring 'source' input
Error: expected does not equal actual: (-expected +actual):
		      "apiVersion": string("kpack.io/v1alpha2"),
		      "kind":       string("Image"),
-	      "metadata":   map[string]any{"name": string("my-workload-name")},
+	      "metadata":   map[string]any{"name": string("another-identifier")},
		      "spec": map[string]any{
		              "builder":            map[string]any{"kind": string("ClusterBuilder"), "name": string("go-builder")},
		              "serviceAccountName": string("cartographer-example-registry-creds-sa"),
		              "source":             map[string]any{"blob": map[string]any{"url": string("some-passed-on-url")}},
		              "tag": strings.Join({
-	                      "my-workload-name",
+	                      "another-identifier",
		              }, ""),

We can see much more information about the failing test: the name, description and the actual error. We can see how changing the name of the workload has changed the output of Cartographer from the expected state. For example, the spec.tag field was expected to be a join of some-default-prefix- and my-workload-name but was instead a join of some-default-prefix- and another-identifier.

Let’s cleanup and set the workload back to its original state:

git checkout ./tests/templates/kpack/workload.yaml

How to Focus Tests

The output of failing tests can get long, particularly if you have many tests. It can be helpful to focus on one or a few tests at a time. We’ll use the cartographer template tests and focus on just the kpack test. We do this by putting focus = true in the info.yaml file.

yq '.focus = true' ./tests/templates/kpack/info.yaml -i
cartotest ./tests/templates/
PASS: tests/templates/kpack

test suite failed due to focused test, check individual test case status

We only see the output for the focused test.

We also see that while the individual test passed, cartotest failed the test suite overall. This protects your tests in CI, users will not get false positives if they forget to unfocus tests. Only when no test has been focused on will cartotest announce an overall PASS and return a 0 exit code.

Let’s put the files back as they were:

git checkout .

How to Nest Tests and Inherit Parent State

Cartotests may be written in a nested fashion. Parent directories may declare some of the test state. Child directories inherit this state (and may overwrite it). We can see this in action in the cartographer repo, looking at ./tests/templates/deliverable. That folder has the common-workload.yaml and common-expectations.yaml files. In info.yaml we can see that they are set as the workload and expected file for the test. Then there are three subfolders. Note that when the tests have been run, it has been these subfolders that were listed:

PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-preprocess
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-template

If a folder has a child directory, cartotest assumes that the parent folder does not contain a complete test; e.g. only leaf directories are treated as ready to test. We can observe this behavior by creating two empty subdirectories of tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template and running the tests.

mkdir tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template/some-dir
mkdir tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template/another-dir
cartotest ./tests/templates/
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template/another-dir
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template/some-dir
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-preprocess
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-template
PASS: tests/templates/kpack

The child (leaf) directories are tested and not the parent.

Let’s set these back:

rm -rf tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template/some-dir
rm -rf tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template/another-dir

To observe inheritance of test state we can alter tests/templates/deliverable/common-expectation.yaml and run the tests.

yq '.spec.source.git.url = "https://github.com/ossu/computer-science/"' ./tests/templates/deliverable/common-expectation.yaml -i
cartotest ./tests/templates/
PASS: tests/templates/kpack
FAIL: tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template
FAIL: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-preprocess
FAIL: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-template

All of the child deliverable tests have failed. Let’s make a subset of tests pass by overwriting the expectation in a child of deliverable. We’ll create a new expectation file in ./tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template with the proper values. Note that the filename expected.yaml is special and is recognized by cartotest as an expectation file. If another filename is used, it must be declared in the info.yaml field expected (as we can see in tests/templates/deliverable/info.yaml)

cp ./tests/templates/deliverable/common-expectation.yaml ./tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template/expected.yaml
yq '.spec.source.git.url = "https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/cartographer/"' ./tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template/expected.yaml -i
cartotest templates --directory ./tests/templates
PASS: tests/templates/kpack
PASS: tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template
FAIL: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-template
FAIL: tests/templates/deliverable/ytt-preprocess

The regular-template test now passes while the other child folders of deliverable still fail.

Let’s clean up our directory:

git checkout .
rm tests/templates/deliverable/regular-template/expected.yaml