

Using Runnable in a Supply Chain


In the previous tutorial we saw how Runnable brings updateable behavior to immutable kubernetes objects. In this tutorial, we’ll see how we can use Runnable in our supply chains for common behavior like linting, scanning, and testing.

Environment setup

For this tutorial you will need a kubernetes cluster with Cartographer, kpack and Tekton installed. You can find Cartographer’s installation instructions here, kpack’s here and Tekton’s here.

You will also need an image registry for which you have read and write permission.

You may choose to use the ./hack/setup.sh script to install a kind cluster with Cartographer, Tekton, kpack and a local registry. This script is meant for our end-to-end testing and while we rely on it working in that role, no user guarantees are made about the script.

Command to run from the Cartographer directory:

$ ./hack/setup.sh cluster cartographer-latest example-dependencies

If you later wish to tear down this generated cluster, run

$ ./hack/setup.sh teardown


Continuing the scenario from the previous tutorial, we remember that our CTO is interested in putting quality controls in place; only code that passes certain checks should be built and deployed. They want to start small, and have decided all source code repositories that are built must pass markdown linting. In order to do this we’re going to leverage the markdown linting pipeline in the TektonCD catalog.

Last tutorial we saw how to use Cartographer’s Runnable to give us easy updating behavior of Tekton (no need for Tekton Triggers and Github Webhooks). In this following tutorial we’ll complete the scenario by using Runnable in a supply chain.


App Operator Steps

Much of our work from the previous tutorial remains the same. We deployed a Tekton pipeline and two Tekton Tasks in the cluster. These objects will be applied in this tutorial with no change.

We deployed a ClusterRunTemplate that templated a Tekton PipelineRun. This will stay largely the same, with only a change to the outputs (We’re going to define outputs that are slightly more useful than the ones we chose last tutorial). We will still deploy this object directly.

The object that we’ll deploy differently is the Runnable. To use Runnable in a supply chain we’ll wrap it in a Cartographer template. This template will be referenced in our supply chain. This work should feel very familiar to the steps we took in the Build Your First Supply Chain tutorial!

Supply Chain

Let’s begin by thinking through what template we need and where it will go in our supply chain. Our goal is to ensure that the only repos that are built and deployed are those that pass linting. So we’ll need our new step to be the first step in a supply chain. This step will receive the location of a source code and if the source code passes linting it will pass that location information to the next step in the supply chain. Do you remember what template is meant to expose information about the location of source code? That’s right, the ClusterSourceTemplate.

Let’s define our supply chain now. We’ll start with the supply chain we created in the Extending a Supply Chain tutorial. The resources then looked like this:

    - name: build-image
        kind: ClusterImageTemplate
        name: image-builder
    - name: deploy
        kind: ClusterTemplate
        name: app-deploy-from-sc-image
        - resource: build-image
          name: built-image

We’ll add a new first step, lint source code. As we determined before, this will refer to a ClusterSourceTemplate. Our second step will remain a ClusterImageTemplate, but it will have to be a new template. This is because it will consume the source code from the previous step rather than directly from the workload. The rest of the resources will remain the same.

    - name: lint-source
        kind: ClusterSourceTemplate
        Name: source-linter
    - name: build-image
        kind: ClusterImageTemplate
        name: image-builder-from-previous-step
      - resource: lint-source
        name: source
    - name: deploy
        kind: ClusterTemplate
        name: app-deploy-from-sc-image
        - resource: build-image
          name: built-image

Our final step with the supply chain will be referring to a service-account. Let’s think through what permissions we need:

  • the source-linter template will create a runnable
  • the image-builder-from-previous-step template will create a kpack image (just as the supply chain from the Extending a Supply Chain tutorial)
  • the app-deploy-from-sc-image template will create a deployment (just as the supply chain from the Extending a Supply Chain tutorial)

The only new object created here is a runnable, which is a Cartographer resource. The Cartographer controller already has permission to manipulate Cartographer resources. So we do not need to do any alterations, we can simply reuse the service account (and roles and role bindings) from the Extending a Supply Chain tutorial.

Note that while the supply chain refers to a service account, the Runnable itself also refers to a service account. More on that in a moment.

Here is our complete supply chain.

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSupplyChain
  name: source-code-supply-chain
    workload-type: source-code

    - name: lint-source
        kind: ClusterSourceTemplate
        name: source-linter
    - name: build-image
        kind: ClusterImageTemplate
        name: image-builder-from-previous-step
        - resource: lint-source
          name: source
    - name: deploy
        kind: ClusterTemplate
        name: app-deploy-from-sc-image
        - resource: build-image
          name: built-image

    name: cartographer-from-source-sa
    namespace: default


There are two new templates that need to be written, image-builder-from-previous-step and source-linter. Creating the image-builder-from-previous-step will be left as an exercise for the reader. Refer to the Extending a Supply Chain tutorial for help. Let’s turn to creating the source-linter template.

We know we’ll wrap our Runnable in a ClusterSourceTemplate. We’ll begin as always, taking our previously created Runnable and simply pasting it into a ClusterSourceTemplate:

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSourceTemplate
  name: source-linter
    apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
    kind: Runnable
      name: linter
        name: md-linting-pipelinerun
        repository: https://github.com/waciumawanjohi/demo-hello-world
        revision: main
      serviceAccountName: pipeline-run-management-sa
  urlPath: ???
  revisionPath: ???

We can quickly see that there are hardcoded values that we’ll want to replace with references to the workload (so that our supply chain can work with many different workloads). These are the inputs values. Remember, these fields are inputs to the ClusterRunTemplate. If a value could be hardcoded, it should not be a field in the Runnable’s inputs at all, it should simply be hardcoded in the ClusterRunTemplate (e.g. every field in the runnable spec.inputs should become a Cartographer variable). Let’s look at how we’ll change inputs:

        repository: $(workload.spec.source.git.url)$
        revision: $(workload.spec.source.git.revision)$

Quite straightforward and familiar. Simply pull the requisite values from the workload. The next step will be straightforward as well; we need to make sure that multiple apps don’t overwrite one Runnable object. We need to template the Runnable’s name:

      name: $(workload.metadata.name)$-linter

Finally, we need to fill the urlPath and revisionPath to tell the ClusterSourceTemplate what field of the Runnable to expose for the url and revision. Remember, that’s the contract of a ClusterSourceTemplate, it exposes those two values to the rest of the supply chain. Runnables have a .status field, which we’ll use. The contents of that field are determined by fields on the ClusterRunTemplate. In the previous tutorial the ClusterRunTemplate declared that the output would be called lastTransitionTime. Let’s declare our intention now to change the ClusterRunTemplate. In a moment we’ll alter it to set new outputs named url and revision. That will allow us to finish the ClusterSourceTemplate wrapping our runnable.

  template: ...
  urlPath: .status.outputs.url
  revisionPath: .status.outputs.revision

Wonderful. Our ClusterSourceTemplate is complete:

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSourceTemplate
  name: source-linter
    apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
    kind: Runnable
      name: $(workload.metadata.name)$-linter
        name: md-linting-pipelinerun
        repository: $(workload.spec.source.git.url)$
        revision: $(workload.spec.source.git.ref.branch)$
      serviceAccountName: pipeline-run-management-sa
  urlPath: .status.outputs.url
  revisionPath: .status.outputs.revision


Our supply-chain will now stamp out a Runnable. But we still have to change the ClusterRunTemplate to ensure that the status of the Runnable has the fields we want. Just a moment ago we decided that these fields should be url and revision. Before we alter the previous ClusterRunTemplate from the previous tutorial, let’s look at it:

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterRunTemplate
  name: md-linting-pipelinerun
    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
    kind: PipelineRun
      generateName: linter-pipeline-run-
        name: linter-pipeline
        - name: repository
          value: $(runnable.spec.inputs.repository)$
        - name: revision
          value: $(runnable.spec.inputs.revision)$
        - name: shared-workspace
                - ReadWriteOnce
                  storage: 256Mi
    lastTransitionTime: .status.conditions[0].lastTransitionTime

We can see that the spec.outputs field was used to prescribe a lastTransitionTime field. We’ll change that to a url and revision field:

    url: ???
    revision: ???

Great. Now let’s think; where on the object that’s created will we find these values. Actually, why think about it; let’s take a look at the pipelinerun that was created in the last tutorial!

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: PipelineRun
  name: linter-pipeline-run-123az
  generateName: linter-pipeline-run-
    carto.run/run-template-name: md-linting-pipelinerun
    carto.run/runnable-name: linter
    tekton.dev/pipeline: linter-pipeline
    - apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
      blockOwnerDeletion: true
      controller: true
      kind: Runnable
      name: linter
      uid: ...
    - name: repository
      value: https://github.com/waciumawanjohi/demo-hello-world
    - name: revision
      value: main
    name: linter-pipeline
  serviceAccountName: default
  timeout: 1h0m0s
    - name: shared-workspace
          creationTimestamp: null
            - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 256Mi
        status: {}
  completionTime: ...
  conditions: ...
  pipelineSpec: ...
  startTime: ...
  taskRuns: ...

While it feels most natural to read outputs from the .status of objects, in this case the value we want is in the .spec. We can see that the .spec.params of this object has the url and revision of the source code. That’s the value we wish to pass on if the pipeline-run is successful. We’ll use jsonpath in our outputs to grab these values:

    url: spec.params[?(@.name=="repository")].value
    revision: spec.params[?(@.name=="revision")].value

Great, our outputs are complete.

There’s one more thing that we can do to make things easy on ourselves, differentiate the name of pipeline-runs of one workload from those of another. Technically, we do not have to do this. Cartographer is smart enough to stamp out these objects and differentiate objects created from the same prefix from Runnable 1 and Runnable 2. But we’re human and it’ll be nice for us to quickly be able to distinguish.

      generateName: $(runnable.metadata.name)$-pipeline-run-

Let’s pull it all together! Our ClusterRunTemplate now reads:

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterRunTemplate
  name: md-linting-pipelinerun
    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
    kind: PipelineRun
      generateName: $(runnable.metadata.name)$-pipeline-run-
        name: linter-pipeline
        - name: repository
          value: $(runnable.spec.inputs.repository)$
        - name: revision
          value: $(runnable.spec.inputs.revision)$
        - name: shared-workspace
                - ReadWriteOnce
                  storage: 256Mi
    url: spec.params[?(@.name=="repository")].value
    revision: spec.params[?(@.name=="revision")].value

Runnable’s Service Account

The last object to mention is the serviceAccount object referred to in the ClusterSourceTemplate wrapped Runnable. We could refer to the same service account referred to in the supply chain. Then we would simply bind an additional role to the account, one that allows creation of a Tekton PipelineRun. Or we can refer to a different service account with these permissions. We created such a service account in the previous tutorial and our runnable still refers to that name. We will simply deploy that service account.

Now we’re ready. Let’s submit all these objects and step into our role as App Devs.

App Dev Steps

As devs, our work is easy! We submit a workload. We’re being asked for the same information as ever from the templates, a url and a revision for the location of the source code. We can submit the same workload from the Extending a Supply Chain tutorial:

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: Workload
  name: hello-again
    workload-type: source-code
        branch: main
      url: https://github.com/waciumawanjohi/demo-hello-world


Using kubectl tree we can see our workload is parent to a runnable which in turn is parent to a pipeline-run.

$ kubectl tree workload hello-again
NAMESPACE  NAME                                                                    READY  REASON        AGE
default    Workload/hello-again                                                    True   Ready
default    ├─Deployment/hello-again-deployment                                     -
default    │ └─ReplicaSet/hello-again-deployment-67b7dc6d5                         -
default    │   ├─Pod/hello-again-deployment-67b7dc6d5-djtph                        True
default    │   ├─Pod/hello-again-deployment-67b7dc6d5-f2nkv                        True
default    │   └─Pod/hello-again-deployment-67b7dc6d5-p4m9c                        True
default    ├─Image/hello-again                                                     True
default    │ ├─Build/hello-again-build-1                                           -
default    │ │ └─Pod/hello-again-build-1-build-pod                                 False  PodCompleted
default    │ ├─PersistentVolumeClaim/hello-again-cache                             -
default    │ └─SourceResolver/hello-again-source                                   True
default    └─Runnable/hello-again-linter                                           True   Ready
default      └─PipelineRun/hello-again-linter-pipeline-run-x123x                   -
default        ├─PersistentVolumeClaim/pvc-1a89a7e201                              -
default        ├─TaskRun/hello-again-linter-pipeline-run-x123x-fetch-repository    -
default        │ └─Pod/hello-again-linter-pipeline-run-x123x-fetch-repository-pod  False  PodCompleted
default        └─TaskRun/hello-again-linter-pipeline-run-x123x-md-lint-run         -
default          └─Pod/hello-again-linter-pipeline-run-x123x-md-lint-run-pod       False  PodCompleted

We also see that the workload is in a ready state, as are all of the pods of our deployment.

Wrap Up

You’ve now built a supply chain leveraging runnables. Your app platform can now provide testing, scanning, linting and more to all the applications brought by your dev teams. Let’s look at what you learned in this tutorial:

  • How to wrap a Runnable in a Cartographer template
  • How to align the outputs from a ClusterRunTemplate with the values exposed by the template wrapping the Runnable

Before we leave this tutorial, we should note that the supply chain that we’ve created deals very well with new apps that are brought to the platform. That is, when a workload is submitted, the app will be linted and upon success will proceed to be built. But this supply chain is not resilient to changes made to the source code of said app. What will happen if the code was good, but is changed to a bad state? The linting step won’t rerun, as from the tekton perspective, no value has changed; it still has the same url and revision.

In order to address this problem, production supply chains should leverage a resource like fluxCD’s source controller. This kubernetes resource will translate a revision like main into the revision of the current commit on main (e.g. commit abc123). When main is updated, source controller will ensure that it outputs the new commit that is the head of main. Leveraging this resource, we can avoid the dilemma presented above.

Users can see supply chains that use fluxCD’s source controller in Cartographer’s examples.